Attenzione! Questa pagina e' un work in progress sull'argomento! Le informazioni riportate potrebbero essere incomplete/inaffidabili ===== Link a fonti ===== * * [[|Hypochlorous acid (wikipedia en)]] * [[|Electrolysed water (wikipedia en)]] * [[|Investigation of Pulsed Electrolysis for Hypochlorous Acid Production]] * [[|Antimicrobial efficacy, mode of action and in vivo use of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) for prevention or therapeutic support of infections]] * [[|Electrolyzed Water Generated On-Site as a Promising Disinfectant in the Dental Office During the COVID-19 Pandemic]] * [[|Evaluation of Electrolytically-Generated Hypochlorous Acid (‘Electrolyzed Water’) for Sanitation of Meat and Meat-Contact Surfaces]] * [[|Electrolyzed Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) Aqueous Solution as Low-Impact and Eco-Friendly Agent for Floor Cleaning and Sanitation]] * [[|Hypochlorous Acid: A Review]] * [[|Stability of Weakly Acidic Hypochlorous Acid Solution with Microbicidal Activity]] * [[|Stability and bactericidal activity of chlorine solutions]] * [[|Developing chlorine-based antiseptic by electrolysis]] * [[|Chemical Disinfectants (CDC)]] * [[|Back to Basics: Choosing the Appropriate Surface Disinfectant]] * [[|Hypochlorous Acid: an ideal wound care agent with powerful microbicidal, antibiofilm, and wound healing potency]] * [[|Topical stabilized hypochlorous acid: The future gold standard for wound care and scar management in dermatologic and plastic surgery procedures]] ==== Fonti meno autorevoli (forum, social, prodotti in vendita, ecc) ==== * [[|Has anyone used Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) (disinfectant/skincare)? DIY Instructions below. (Reddit)]] * [[|FAQs about hypochlorous acid from company that sells appliances to home produce]]